Mot-clé :
European Union
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
25 septembre 2016, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
An examination of the geophysical inland features of the European oecumene is relatively straightforward : the northern half of the European (...)
23 avril 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
The year 2024 will be a significant one for the European Union, marked by the election of representatives to the European Parliament in June. (...)
25 septembre 2016, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
According to Yves Lacoste’s now classic definition, geopolitics is “the study of rivalries between powers for land”. As for “Europe”, a hand-down (...)
29 octobre 2021, par Bruno DUPRE
. Global Commons – such as Polar Regions, Cyberspace, Outer Spaces and High Seas (including maritime security and deep seabed mining) - are (...)
1er décembre 2010, par Pierre VERLUISE
ON DECEMBER 1 the European External Action Service will set to work... but how ?
Engendered by the Treaty of Lisbon (December 1 2009), the (...)
16 janvier 2010, par Sven BISCOP
WITH the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU’s European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) has been re-baptized the Common Security and (...)
13 octobre 2016, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
Travelling along the banks of the Rhine, Victor Hugo realised back in 1840 how much this divided river also had the potential to bring peoples (...)
15 mai 2011, par Levon ISAKHANYAN
AFTER the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics the region of the South Caucasus became an area of different (...)
10 novembre 2009, par Daniel SCHAEFFER
Faut-il lever l’embargo sur les armements en direction de la Chine ? Telle est la question embarrassante et récurrente qui se pose (...)
15 avril 2010, par Pierre-Emmanuel THOMANN
THE CURRENT state of the world is characterized by the geographical dispersion of the sources of power. These are predominantly states but also (...)
12 juin 2010, par Pierre VERLUISE
A new form of convergence ?
NINE of the thirteen most corrupted countries in the European Union are new member states. However, ten of the (...)
25 juillet 2010, par Camille GRAND
DISARMAMENT, in the broadest sense (non-proliferation, arms control, humanitarian disarmament, confidence-building measures, arms reduction and (...)
3 décembre 2020, par Joseph BORRELL
THE debate on “European strategic autonomy” has recently given rise to quite a lot of controversies. Let’s welcome this debate because we need to (...)
20 décembre 2017, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
Begun during the Cold War, the construction of the European community was not the product of a pre-scripted scenario but the result of a number (...)
23 octobre 2019, par Bruno DUPRE
I. Major preoccupying trends
1/ Not many "Atlantists" left in the US
Talk to NGOs, staffers, US companies. There are not many "Atlantists" (...)