Mot-clé :
Geopolitical strategy
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
29 octobre 2021, par Bruno DUPRE
. Global Commons – such as Polar Regions, Cyberspace, Outer Spaces and High Seas (including maritime security and deep seabed mining) - are (...)
15 avril 2010, par Pierre-Emmanuel THOMANN
THE CURRENT state of the world is characterized by the geographical dispersion of the sources of power. These are predominantly states but also (...)
28 mars 2024, par Estelle HOORICKX
THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE is an old lady who, 75 years after the Washington Treaty signature, has shown an outstanding capacity for resilience and (...)
23 octobre 2019, par Bruno DUPRE
I. Major preoccupying trends
1/ Not many "Atlantists" left in the US
Talk to NGOs, staffers, US companies. There are not many "Atlantists" (...)
27 novembre 2014, par Atelier de cartographie de SciencesPo
Cette carte du Pakistan dans son environnement régional est extraite du n° 66 de Questions internationales, Pakistan, mars-avril 2014, La (...)