The Diploweb Scientific Council

1er mars 2018  Imprimer l'article  lecture optimisée  Télécharger l'article au format PDF

The Diploweb Scientific Council encompasses the following personalities : Jean-Charles Antoine, Gérard Chaliand, Laurent Chamontin, Marie France Chatin, Pierre Conesa, Barthélémy Courmont, Gérard-François Dumont, Bruno Dupré, Catherine Durandin, Catherine Fournet-Guérin, Thierry Garcin, François Géré, Patrice Gourdin, Thierry Kellner, Frédéric Lasserre, Mehdi Lazar, Christian Lechervy, Kevin Limonier, Éric Mottet, Christophe-Alexandre Paillard, Florent Parmentier, Jacques Rupnik, Hervé Théry, Pierre Verluise.


Jean-Charles Antoine, a former Gendarmerie Superior Officer, holds a PhD from Institut Français de Géopolitique (Paris) ; he is an expert in analysis of arms dealing and organized crime. In HEC Paris business school he has specialized since 2015 in application of geopolitics to all issues related to security and business. In 2016 he founded the ARKALIZ company, specialized in geopolitics consultancy for private and public executives. He authored numerous papers and books.

Gérard Chaliand is an expert in geopolitics, Invited Professor in numerous universities : Harvard, Berkeley and UCLA in the USA, Meiji University in Japan, Université de Montréal in Canada, Nueva Granada Military University in Colombia. He authored numerous papers and books.

Laurent Chamontin, a Russian speaker, is graduated from École Polytechnique (France) and from École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Économique (France). He also holds a degree in Chinese language and civilization (INALCO, France). He holds more than 28 years of experience in industrial projects, of which 3 years of expatriation in eastern Ukraine, and has developed in parallel an expertise in geopolitics of former Soviet republics. He authored « L’empire sans limites – pouvoir et société dans le monde russe » (2014) and « Ukraine et Russie : pour comprendre. Retour de Marioupol » (2016).

Marie France Chatin is a journalist in Radio France Internationale (RFI) and the producer of "Géopolitique, le débat" broadcast. She was a permanent correspondent for RFI in Washington DC (1989 – 1991) and an international reporter in RFI Americas Department (1991 – 1997). From 1985 to 1989 she was correspondent in Paris for the Spanish Antena radio.

Pierre Conesa is an expert of international strategic issues and in particular of military ones. He is a practitioner of international relations with some 20 years of experience in non-administrative departments of French Ministry of Defence. For the 8 last years he has been running an important economic intelligence firm. Besides he is a Senior Lecturer in Sciences Po (Paris) and École Nationale d’Administration (Paris).

Barthélémy Courmont is a Senior Research Fellow at Institut de Recherches Internationales et Stratégiques (Paris). He is also Assistant-professor at the History Department at Catholic University in Lille, and Associate-director, security and defense, at the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in strategic and diplomatic studies (UQAM, Montreal). He is co-chief editor of “Monde chinois, Nouvelle Asie”. He authored numerous papers and books.

Gérard-François Dumont is a Professor at Paris Sorbonne University. He runs the review “Population & Avenir”. Previously he was member of a section in French “Conseil Économique et Social”, Chief Education Officer and Head of a seminar in Collège Interarmées de Défense. He authored numerous papers and books.

Bruno Dupré is Defense and Security Advisor in Secretariat General of European External Action Service (EASS). In addition to his experience in a law firm (Badinter, Bredin, Pratt), he spent most of his career as a civil servant in Paris, Washington and Brussels on international security issues (Iran, WMD, disarmament, proliferation, drones). He is co-founder of Negotiators of the World, a foundation dedicated to international mediation. He holds a PhD in law and a Master of Administration from Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Catherine Durandin is a University Professor. Her career takes place in particular in Amiens University (contemporary history) and INALCO (Paris), with the responsibility of Romanian studies and teaching of international relations at Master level. She authored numerous papers and books.

Catherine Fournet-Guérin is a Professor in Paris University. Previously she was in charge of Master of geopolitics in Reims University. She is an expert of issues related to Africa, cities, societies, country planning, State, migrations.

Thierry Garcin is a Senior Lecturer in HEC (Paris) and a Research Fellow in Paris University. He taught international relations in various universities (Paris, Marne-la-Vallée, Reims-Champagne-Ardenne) and in Sciences Po Paris. He is also a lecturer and was the producer of daily broadcast « Les Enjeux internationaux » on France Culture radio. He authored numerous papers and books.

François Géré is the Director of Institut Français d’Analyse Stratégique (IFAS). He is also a teacher at Paris University, a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (London) and a member of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He authored numerous papers and books.

Patrice Gourdin holds a PhD in History and is a University Professor. He teaches international relations and geopolitics in French Air Force Academy and is a lecturer in Institut d’études politiques (Aix-en-Provence). He authored a reference book : “Géopolitiques, manuel pratique” (publisher : Choiseul).

Thierry Kellner holds a PhD from the Graduate Institute (Geneva). His PhD work is about relations between People’s Republic of China and republics of Central Asia since 1991. He authored numerous papers and books.

Frédéric Lasserre is a Professor and a Researcher ; a Project Director in ArcticNet ; the Director of Observatoire de Recherches Internationales sur l’Eau (ORIE) ; a Researcher at Institut Environnement, Développement et Société (IEDS) ; a Research Fellow at Institut québécois des Hautes Études internationales (IQHEI) ; a Research Fellow at Raoul Dandurand chair in strategic and diplomatic studies (Université du Québec à Montréal). He authored numerous papers and books.

Mehdi Lazar is a schools inspector, a geographer and a research fellow in the laboratory “Géographie-Cités”. He is also a member of the cercle des chercheurs sur le Moyen-Orient (CCMO). He holds a PhD in geography from Paris University and is graduated from the Institut Français de Géopolitique and Centre d’Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégiques (CEDS). He authored several books.

Christian Lechervy is an Ambassador of France and has been the permanent secretary for Pacific area in French MFA since 2014. He was an adviser for strategic affairs and Asia – Pacific area to French President (from 2012 to 2014), Deputy Director for long term forecasting (from 2010 to 2012) and Ambassador of France to Turkmenistan (from 2006 to 2009).

Kevin Limonier is a Senior Lecturer in Slavic studies and Geopolitics in Paris University (Institut Français de Géopolitique, IFG). His research activity is focused on the Russian civilian innovation sector in general, and in particular on the organization of Russophone cyber-space. He is also a research fellow at Castex cyber-strategy chair (Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale) and he runs a blog on Russian science and IT issues.

Éric Mottet is a Professor and a Researcher in Geography Department of Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM, Montreal), and Deputy Director of Conseil québécois d’études géopolitiques (CQEG, Québec). He is a Research Fellow in Institut des Hautes Études internationales (HEI, Québec) and in Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine (IRASEC, Bangkok – pertaining to French MFA and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). He authored numerous papers and books.

Christophe-Alexandre Paillard is a French Senior Civil Servant (Administrateur civil hors classe). He is graduated from École Nationale d’Administration (ENA – Paris) and was a member of French MFA’s Diplomatic Institute. He teaches economy in ENA and Institut d’Etudes politiques (Paris) ; he is a Research Fellow in Bernardo O’Higgins University (Santiago, Chile) and a Senior Research Fellow in the think tank “Institut Choiseul” (Paris).

Florent Parmentier holds a PhD in political science and teaches in Sciences Po (Paris). He founded the website His research interests encompass EU’s Eastern neighborhood as well as issues related to energy and influence. He authored numerous articles and several books, of which “Les chemins de l’État de droit. La voie étroite des pays entre Europe et Russie” (The ways to the rule of law – the narrow path of countries between Europe and Russia).

Jacques Rupnik is a Senior Research Fellow in Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales (CERI) of Sciences Po (Paris). He is a visiting professor at the College of Europe (Bruges) and was Editor-in-chief of Transeuropéennes review. He was an Advisor to the former President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel from 1990 to 1992. He authored numerous articles and books.

Hervé Théry is a geographer and an expert of Brazil. He is graduated from École Normale Supérieure (Paris), a University Professor and holds a PhD in geography. He is currently a Senior Research Fellow in CREDA Laboratory (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Paris University) and a Visiting Professor at Universidade de São Paulo-USP. He is the Editor-in-chief of Franco-Brazilian geography review Confins. He authored numerous articles and books.

Pierre Verluise is the Director of website and hold a PhD in geopolitics. His research interests encompass the European Union and its borders. He teaches geopolitics in Paris Sorbonne University Master of International Relations. He created the seminar on geopolitics of Europe in École de Guerre (Paris Military Academy). He authored and co-authored nineteen books and several hundreds of articles in 9 languages.

May 2018

Mots-clés : Geopolitics

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