Biographie mise à jour en 2010

Mr. Michel is a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, concentrating on transatlantic defense and security issues. He joined INSS in 2002 after 17 years in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, where his positions included Director for NATO Policy, Director for Non-Nuclear Arms Control, Secretary of Defense Representative to the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Consultative Commission, and Deputy Director for Verification Policy.

Mr. Michel previously served as an analyst in the U.S. Intelligence Community, a legislative aide to a Member of Congress, and a U.S. Navy officer. Appointed to the career Senior Executive Service in 2000, he received a Masters degree from Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies in 1975 and a Bachelor’s degree from Princeton University in 1969.


“Defense Strategy in the Obama Administration,” Michel, L., La Revue Internationale et Stratégique, Institut de la recherche internationale et stratégique, Winter Issue, January 2010.

“France and NATO : The path to ‘normalization’,” Michel, L., International Affairs Forum, Spring 2009.

“Transatlantic Security Relations and French-American Cooperation”, Michel, L., in France, American and the World : A New Era in Franco-American Relations ? Foucher, M. and Hamilton, D. (ed.), SAIS-Johns Hopkins University and Fondation Robert Schuman, November 2009.

“Liaison dangereuse,” Michel, L., Internationale Politik, German Council on Foreign Relations, March 2008.

“NATO-EU Cooperation in Operations and Implications for Italy,” Michel, L., La Communita Internazionale, February 2007.

“NATO, EU, United States : Why not a virtuous ‘ménage à trois’ ?” Michel, L., Politique américaines, Spring 2006.

“Observations on the Special Relationship in Security and Defense Matters,” Michel, L., U.S.-UK Relations at the Start of the 21st Century, McCausland, J. and Stuart, D., (ed.), Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, January 2006.

“The U.S. Global Posture Review and Implications for Transatlantic Relations”, Michel, L., The United States and the World, Occasional Papers No. 4., Atlantic Council of Finland, January 2004.


“Defense Transformation à la française and U.S. Interests”, Michel, L., Strategic Forum No. 233, Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, September 2008.

“NATO’s ‘French Connection’ : Plus ça change… ?” Michel, L., Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, April 2007.

“NATO Decisionmaking : Au Revoir to the Consensus Rule ?”, Michel, L., Strategic Forum No. 202, Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, August 2003.

Opinion Editorials

"For a Smater U.S. Footprint in Europe, Think Small," Michel, L., Defense News, June 7, 2010

“A general to the politicians’ rescue ?” Michel, L., European Voice, October 29, 2009.

“Keeping Our Allies On Our Side,” Michel, L., Los Angeles Times, October 27, 2009.

“Sarkozy’s Next Big Battle,” Michel, L., Newsweek (International), February 23, 2009.

“Vu de Washington, les crispations françaises sont incompréhensibles,” Michel, L., Le Monde, February 21, 2009.

“The Military Fights Back,” Michel, L., Newsweek (International), June 28, 2008.

“Sarko’s Window of Opportunity”, Michel, L., European Voice, June 28, 2007.

“Quelle place pour la France dans l’OTAN ?”, Michel, L., Le Monde, June 5, 2007

“Etats-Unis-France : La logique de coopération,” Michel, L., La lettre diplomatique, November 2006.

“Pourquoi l’Otan doit rester engagée en Afghanistan pour une certaine durée,” Michel, L., Le Soir, November 17, 2006.

Source : http://www.ndu.edu/inss/index.cfm?secID=41&pageID=6&type=section Consultation novembre 2010.

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